Author Archives: BAF Public Relations Officer

21st Century_FrontCover

Delta College Police Academy is hosting BAF-Fortitude’s “21st Century Community Policing and Cultural Competency” Course on April 20-21, 2022

Fact:  Several high-profile incidents where complaints of the use of excessive force against individuals and subsequent backlash in the form of civil unrest are resulting in a loss of trust, lawsuits, and loss of life.  The thought that these issues are BIG City concerns and can’t happen in your jurisdiction is like buying a first-class

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Delta College

Delta College Police Academy is hosting BAF-Fortitude’s “21st Century Community Policing and Cultural Competency” Course on October 20-21, 2021

Fact:  Several high-profile incidents where complaints of the use of excessive force against individuals and subsequent backlash in the form of civil unrest are resulting in a loss of trust, lawsuits, and loss of life.  The thought that these issues are BIG City concerns and can’t happen in your jurisdiction is like buying a first-class

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12-Month Executive Law Enforcement Strategic Leadership Program

1st Month: Introductions/Program Overview—On-Site—Full Day (8hrs) Introductions Course Overview The Why of Policing Competencies of Sound Law Enforcement Leadership Leadership Assessments 2nd Month: Guiding the Organization Safely into the Future—Strategic Leadership (90 mins Virtual) Session review—build from last session What is Strategic Leadership We know this, and don’t do it—start with Why! Values Drill—who are

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Delta College

Delta College Police Academy is hosting BAF-Fortitude’s “21st Century Community Policing and Cultural Competency” Course on May 5-6, 2021

Fact:  Several high-profile incidents where complaints of the use of excessive force against individuals and subsequent backlash in the form of civil unrest are resulting in a loss of trust, lawsuits, and loss of life.  The thought that these issues are BIG City concerns and can’t happen in your jurisdiction is like buying a first-class

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